>Vallejo house front view

Vallejo front view

Back garden, Vallejo house

Back garden, Vallejo house

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New Pacific Studio Vallejo


The mission of New Pacific Studio, established in California in 2000, is to foster new forms of cross-fertilization among contemporary creative communities around the north and south Pacific.

We collaborate with museums, libraries, environmental centers and many other institutions to promote the creative reinterpretation and preservation of many kinds of cultural and natural heritage. We have a passion for story-collecting from people of all ages.

National and International Links

NPS- CA has close ties with its sister organization, New Pacific Studio Mt Bruce, New Zealand. It also encourages artist-writer exchanges between California and Hawaii, Alaska, Washington and Oregon, as well as with three of Vallejo’s sister cities – Akashi, Japan; Baguio, the Philippines, and Trondheim, Norway.

Richmond–San Rafael Bridge Judith Moyer Vallejo

View of the Richmond–San Rafael Bridge, and Judith Moyer at NPS Vallejo

Our objectives are to:
  • provide studio and residential facilities for creative artists and scholars, which will enable them to further their work and research.
  • enhance the experience of artists and the arts in Northern California, as well as the wider region, by developing and promoting workshops, exhibitions and collaborative projects between schools, museums, galleries and libraries.
  • encourage the study, care and creative interpretation of natural and cultural heritage.
  • establish and maintain contact with complementary groups, associations and individuals.